Tuesday, March 19, 2013

a Sweet Thing called Juliant

Actually i'm feeling crazy to write down all of these haha!

I'm happy that you grows up in right place now. Let you grows up with your adorable things. I don`t know what is it, something great of you. Everyone always loving you, everyone always proud of you.
I just can say a prayer for you, God always near you, save and embrace you in His Blessing through the Haru 春 (Spring) with the beauty of Sakura atmosphere, His Blessing through the Natsu 夏 (Summer) with the blue sky and cheerful days, His Blessing through the Aki 秋 (Autumn) with the beautiful Red Color of Momiji and His Blessing through the Fuyu 冬 (Winter) with the prayer during Christmas and beautiful snow flakes.

Thankyou very much that you have been teaching me how to be a good person like you..
See you next time,
At this year, I hope you can entering the university that you want.
And.. Can we meet again?


  1. Like the statement about four season...

    1. Thanks kak Ivan..
      Itu buah galau benernya haha :D

  2. aduh fotonya....
    impiannya sudah tercapai irma, dia sudah masuk universitas yang dia mau
    jangan mau kalah dari onigiri yaaaa

    1. iya syukurlah sa..
      orang baik pasti jalannya baik..
      sekarang baru merasa alay aku hahahah >,<
      tapi alayku romantis
